Sunday, October 26, 2014


           James Cameras said "Kids read the book and through the author's description, put something on the movie screen in our heads, to print, to draw. That is the creativity." All of us did this when we was a little child. And all of us had the creativity when we born. But when we grow up, we might lose a lot of creativity for many reasons. Also we want to get it back and use it in our life or study. There are three ways that we can get creativity back.
           The first way is be curiosity about everything. Mr. Javage showed three characters in the lecture and how they could success. For example, The first character asked his father why the ball will move after the truck is moving, he was very curiosity about this question. So that he discover the world famous principle. Another character found himself on the water when the sunlight shot at the water, he was thinking a lot and finally he work out how long the earth is. It happened in 2000 years ago. It is very amazing to discover a lot of principle of the world.
           The second one is listening the music. We listening music in everywhere, but we just listen very roughly. In my experience, when we close eyes to enjoy a music, there are serval things will appear in our mind. I think it also can practice our creative skill. But if you are a musician, you must creative some music to play. However, there is not everyone like the music, which you creative somebody think your music is a mistake. But a musician who name is Setfon Harris said: "Many actions are perceived as mistakes only because we do not react to their appropriately." I think the musician will feel more comfortable when they creative a song that nobody would enjoy in it.
            The last one is pay attention to do everything. I always get a great ideas at a moment, but after a few second I complete forget it. Because I always have mind-wandering. Mr. Tmm said mind-wandering is the most special skill of human compare with the other animals.  There is 30% of mind-wandering in our life time. So if we want to get a great creativity. We should pay attention to do anything. Do not waste the good idea when you get it at one moment. It is better to do it as soon as possible. 
            At last but not least, everyone has their own creativity. We should be curiosity about everything in our life. You will find the world is beautiful and full of excited, also it will be creativity. When we listen to the music, we can imagine a world, which is belongs to you. At the same time, music is medicine. In addition, pay attention to do anything, it is a good ability to everyone. And Camerons said: "Whatever you doing, failure is an option, but fear is not." You will be success from your creativity.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

My story

     Most likely we all have some regulations in the school. For example, come to class on time, or submit your homework on time. But students in China may have more requirements from primary school to senior high school.
     For my school, one rule is to wear the same uniforms when we enter the school. But I do not think the uniform designers have a good taste of art. The uniform for boys and girls are quite similar in style and color. It looks like wearing pajamas to school.
     To make things worse, we are required to have very short haircut. But most teenager boys in high schools would like to be different from others. When I studied in the junior high school, my hair was long. Long hair makes me not only look cool, but also attract more attention from girls. It happened that our president was very strict and would like all boys in short haircut.
     Every Monday morning, we have special inspectors to check everyone's hairstyle. My friend and I always arrived at school much earlier to avoid the insprction. But one day the president went to each class to check the hairstyle. Escape from the inspection is mission impossible. We were found and he gave us a haircut in the school by himself. I was vey angry.
     I hope some change will happen in the near future. We want to have more freedom and space for ourselves.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Thinking of hand-held cellphone law

        I read a piece of news about hand-held cellphone law. It made me a lot of thinking. For a new law. It was hard to people accept it at the beginning. But I think almost laws had the same situation. It took time to become the part of the culture. For example, when the seat belt law went to effect, not everyone did it, and not everyone liked it. But after a longtime almost all people known to use seat belt, and it had become a part of culture. In other worlds. It was dangerous to the driver and dangerous to the passengers, and dangerous to other people who walking on the road. Using hand-held cellphone law during driving shows little respect and responsibility to other people's life. My suggestion is not to use hand-held cellphone when you are driving. But if it happens we need to use it. It is better than try some other ways to do that.